
Friday, May 6, 2011

Tarak Ridge

Located in Mariveles, Bataan Philippines. it's peak stands 1130+ MASL, this is one of the popular destinations for some mountaineers. it offers a view of the corregidor island and manila bay. The place is beautiful but i don't recommend this to first time climbers, the trail to the ridge is so steep.

At the Jump-off 

This was our first major climb with my friends, we went here on March 26-27, 2011. we board a bus bound to Mariveles, Bataan then get off at Alas-asin.  you can catch these buses at their terminals in Cubao, Quezon city. we left at 8:00am. it took at least 3-4 hours to get to Barangay Alas-asin in Mariveles (Tarak ridge's jump-off point). registration fee is required at the barangay hall for PHP20.00.

We had lunch on this small eatery just across the jump-off

A 30-45 minute walk from the jump-off before we reached the foot of the mountain, wherein we passed a residential area.

Start trek

The trail is not that difficult on the first part of the trek. there are also part of the trail that are not covered by trees so i suggest you bring sunblocks to protect the skin from the sun. on our way we encountered a trail that was destroyed by landslide, it's passable even without any ropes. After 3 hours we reached the Papaya river where we decided to camp then just proceed to the ridge early next morning.

Papaya river

We woke up at 6:00am then proceed to assault the ridge.we got to the ridge after two hours of strenous hike.

View from the campsite at the ridge

Then off we go to El saco peak.



There's a dense mini forest to the summit, also a part where we ducked just to pass through the bushes and small trees. finally we reached the peak, the view was really majestic. it was really worth it. by the way we ran out of drinking water in the ridge and summit. it is important that each person brings at least 2-3 liters of drinking water to be well hydrated.

At the peak

Tarak ridge
Mariveles, Bataan PH
- March 26-27, 2011

How to get to Tarak ridge

From Cubao, Quezon city  PH, board a bus bound to Mariveles, Bataan from five star bus terminal or any other terminals that offers the same trip.

Get off at Alas-asin from here register at the barangay hall, prepare a PHP20.00 registration fee.

* Going back to Manila, From Alas-asin, take a bus back to Cubao.
- Locals said that the last trip for the buses that passes by Alas-asin is at 5pm.


  1. nice pics.. malayo layo yan an.. lagyan mo ng total views na gadget yun site mo..

  2. ganda yun papaya river parang me lalabas na buwaya hehehe
